

“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.”

My last three days have become those of enchantment and relaxation. With breakfasts of fresh baked bread and evening meals of pastas. Surrounded by the greenest grasses my eyes have ever feasted on and mountains that seem to be able to touch the heavens themselves. Austria has began to unveil its wondrous surprises to me. Within the three days that I have been here I have already traveled through almost the whole country and seen what wonders it has to hold.

And with thinking back I can not see how I had been so upset when was told I was to be sent here. I longed to go to Italy, but now being here I couldn't be any happier. The draw of European culture has already taken my heart and I long to learn more from it. For my dreams of being able to explore new cultures of others is beginning to unfold. As I find my heart at rest where I sit at this moment. I am thankful and bewildered that I am here.

For I smile while my family speaks German laced on with a few words that I know. And gleam when they offer the most generous hospitality that I have ever known. As they try as very hard to make me be able to feel at home and at peace. And question every moment if I need anything. I an joyous of everything that has been of these three days and am ecstatic to see the joys that my come tonight as I watch my first European football match. As I am told that it will bring many emotions even if it is only on the television. As Austria is to play Switzerland and I am told that our neighbors to our apartment are from there so we must cheer loud so they know.

Until later,
Auf Wiedersehen